5 goals for a new year
Our top 5 picks … for everything design-related & more!
december 2020
As we close out 2020 and look ahead to the new year, we propose thinking about setting goals for 2021 instead of New Year’s resolutions.
Goals give you something to work towards and can set a positive tone for the new year. If 2020 taught us nothing else, it is that life can change in an instant. Go after what you want!
When setting goals try to be as specific as possible, make sure they are measurable, and check-in with yourself on a regular basis to see how you’re progressing with your goals.
Here are 5 ideas for goals you could set for 2021!
organize your space
photo credit: tamara flanagan
Set a specific space, type of space, or number of spaces to organize in the new year.
A goal could be “I want to organize all my closets in 2021” or “I want to organize all my cabinets in 2021.” This creates an opportunity to list out the precise spaces and focuses your attention, instead of a generalized “I want to be more organized” goal.
Sometimes we need help achieving our goals, we regularly collaborate with The Little Details, a Cambridge, MA organization studio, who provides smart, practical solutions for home organization. Contact them if you need help achieving your organization goals.
learn a new skill
photo credit: design 2 order
This can be self-taught/directed or through an organization.
Again, focus on practical and measurable goals that you can achieve. We like the idea of getting to the point that you can do the skill “with confidence” versus aiming to be a master, e.g. “I want to bake with confidence” or “I want to learn to speak a second language with confidence.”
Look for adult education classes in your area(s) of interest or find resources online for a self-directed approach.
connect with people
photo credit: design 2 order
Oh, boy has 2020 taken on a toll on people and relationships! You’re either with your family all the time or you don’t see them at all. Evaluate the important relationships in your life and set goals to invest in them.
Ideas include calling your parents once a week, scheduling a date night with your significant other once a month (or more frequently! It can be a night out or a night in), planning a special outing alone with each of your kids once a month so they get special one-on-one time with you, or connecting with one distant relative or friend a month.
Ultimately, people bring the most value to our lives and this past year has involved a lot of “just getting through” each day, setting goals for 2021 to reconnect will make your life more full.
take breaks from technology
photo credit: design 2 order
We are on screens all of the time these days. Working from home, smart phones, smart watches, remote learning, video chats with friends and family, we are constantly tied to technology.
Schedule set periods of time to disconnect. Whether it is a set hour every day without technology or not during meals, plan time to be present in real life. It will be good for your mind and for your soul.
practice self-care
photo credit: design 2 order
We’re often our biggest critics. Spend time investing in and caring for yourself, so you can be the best version of yourself for others.
What goals could you set to personally take care of yourself? Go for a walk every day, meditate daily, schedule (or give yourself) a pedicure/manicure once a month, exercise 4 times a week, drink 8 glasses of water everyday, or write in a gratitude journal.